Saturday, May 25, 2024

Šibenik and Krka falls

After Tomaž sailed Heron to Skradin we stayed on the boat for couple of days. Weather was very changeable and windy and not so suitable for sailing, so we decided to do some hiking in vicinity of marina, and of course to do some boat projects. One day we drove to town of Šibenik, that has a very old and pretty centre. Some streets are unbelievably narrow.
There are plenty of old buildings...
...and churches.

We were wondering if this addition to the house was a loo and Tomaž went to see if it had a hole in the floor. It didn't.
This is a nice garden in cafe where we had a really good ice cream.
Couldn't resist a cute kitty.
We climbed up to the fortress...

...from where there was a good view to another one on the next hill.
Architecture is really pretty and it is evident how Šibenik was an important and rich town in the past.

The next day we chose to go to the Krka river falls. There are ships that bring visitors to the falls, no other vessels are allowed beyond this bridge.
I was really struggling to choose photos for this post, it's such a magical place and most of the photos were great, although I took them with my mobile phone.
This is the only orchid that I saw.
The entrance fee is quite steep, but the place is gorgeous and really worth the visit. We made a good deal and bought a yearly ticket, that costs the same as three visit in low season or one and half visits in high season. No brainer, right?
These are remains of the first hydro power plant here, built more than 100 years ago, it started working just two days after the Niagara power plant was open. It made Šibenik the first town in the world with AC/DC power.

There is a circular path around the park with many great views and lots of plants and animals. The damselflies were shimmering in the sun like jewellery.

Frogs were very loud, probably they were mating.
It is so beautiful how water just flows over small waterfalls...
...and through the trees.
I guess half of the photos I took were of damselflies...
...and other half of the water. Other people were mostly taking selfies.
I just know we will use the yearly tickets often, just maybe not in high season, for me there were more than enough people there already on this day.


1 comment:

  1. So happy to see you two traveling again!

    Wayne & Dana
