Yesterday evening the wind picked up and we sailed very fast and again set the speed record - 174 miles in 24 hours, average speed 7,3 knots. Wind stayed strong during the night, until in the morning we had some sqalls (neviht) with very strong wind and afterwards almost no wind. We even motored for 1,5 hour before noon.
Dolphins came by to say good night yesterday and good morning today at 8, and then once more. Maybe they are hoping to find more fish around the boat. During the day we also saw a pod of whales, I think they were Bottlenose whales, they were smaller than Humpbacks, very dark, with hooked back fin and rounder tail fin. Unfortunately I was not quick enough to take any photos.
The air got a bit warmer, it doesn't have that winterly bite any more, but water is getting colder, at the moment it has 19°C. So nobody in going to fall overboard.
We decided to change our course to island Flores (the most W island of Azores) instead of sailing to Horta on island Faial. We would not be able to reach Horta in daylight, so we'll visit Flores first and then go to Horta next day or in the evening (there are 130 miles from Flores to Faial). That means that our distance to landfall just got a bit shorter and we will be in Lajes, Flores at some time during the day on Saturday already.
In 336 hours we made 2098 miles, there are still 261 miles to Flores. Our position is 37° 35' N and 36° 09' W.
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